Data protection and data privacy issues impact businesses of all sizes and sectors and not only in South Africa but across the globe.
The potential for misuse of sensitive personal information has triggered legislative and regulatory action worldwide. Privacy laws are continually evolving, differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, are interpreted unpredictably, and are in a constant state of flux. Compliance with data privacy laws and protecting peoples’ privacy is no longer a simple aspiration or future regulatory tickbox exercise. Failure to respect an individual’s privacy or ensure the integrity of their data can severely damage a company’s brand and negatively influence consumer confidence.
Our lawyers have guided many businesses through the ever-changing complexities of data protection in South Africa and beyond South African borders.
Locally, the Protection of Personal Information Act (the POPI Act or POPIA) is now here and expert guidance will be needed by startups and corporates alike, in properly assimilating the details of the Act and all the implications contained therein.
Give us a call at 021 9488 273, request a Zoom chat or send us an email at, for more info.